The service cage is an autoclavable container used for the transfer of equipment and materials useful for carrying out different procedures on the IBS work plan. An ISOcage Positive, used together with a decontamination trolley is the ideal container to use for this purpose.

It is enough to wash an ISOcage top (without HEPA filter) and an ISOcage bottom.

Once they are washed the irradiated HEPA filter can be installed and inside the cage it is possible to introduce autoclavable material, of compatible size and useful quantity such as: scissors, forceps, forceps tray, spoons, Pyrex beaker, tissues etc.

The cage can be assembled and placed into a slot on the decontamination trolley. 

The service cage can be run on the same trolley with other normal ISOcages as for the operating procedure of the germ free or gnotobiotic facility.

After the autoclaving cycle the cage can be directly transferred through the dunk tank inside the IBS or alternatively positioned on the ISO positive rack and used when necessary.